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Drysure’s top five adventure races

Drysure’s top five adventure races

At Drysure, we love an adventure!

Taking care of your feet is vital preparation for any challenge and especially long-distance races. Happy and healthy feet make the event experience all the more enjoyable.

Here are our top five picks for the craziest adventure races in the world, with a few top tips for making sure your feet are in great shape for race day …


  1. Polar Circle Marathon

Why run on the road when your can run on a polar ice cap?! Each year the remote town of Kangerlussuaq in Greenland welcomes marathon runners from around the world to participate in the Polar Circle Marathon. The route is largely on a snow-covered road but includes a section on the ice sheet. If 26.2 miles in sub-zero conditions isn’t quite enough adventure, the “Polar Bear Challenge” gives the most eager runners the opportunity to run a half marathon the very next day – the ultimate “cool down” run!

Top Tip: when running in sub-freezing conditions, there’s a temptation to wear thick socks or multiple pairs of socks – don’t! A thin pair or socks/your regular running socks will be just fine. Thin socks allow for more air in the shoe.  Your feet will then warm the air to keep you cosy. Thick layers block the air and will actually make your toes colder!


Polar Circle Marathon


  1. The Uganda Marathon

Most marathon’s take place on one day … the Uganda Marathon takes place over one week! Staying in athlete villages, engaging with local communities and supporting grass roots projects … this is more than just a marathon. The event combines running with volunteering, embedding you in local culture like no other race! The route is challenging too, so not one to enter if you’re going for a PB!

Top Tip: Before race day, don’t forget to trim your toes nails! 26.2 miles is a long way to run with nails overdue a clipping!


Uganda Marathon 


  1. Manaslu Trail Race

Manaslu is the world’s eighth highest mountain, with its namesake trail race taking runners on a 220km journey through the Himalayas over seven days.  The penultimate stage from Samdo to Bimtang is so high (one pass is 5160m above seas level), that competitors will often walk the remaining 22km – with gives a chance to pause, reflect and take in the beautiful scenery before the final day decent.

Top Tip: Don’t rush a trail run. It’s not a road race. You need to be aware of your surroundings the whole time and it’s OK to stop and walk when you need to. Your feet will thank you for it!


 Manaslu Trail Race


  1. UTMB

The Ultra Trail Mount Blanc is as daunting as it sounds, running through the night up to 2500m above sea level through variable weather conditions. What’s more, the 166km route takes in more than 9600m of vertical.

The pay off?  The route is spectacular! Taking in some of the most stunning mountainous trails in the world before crossing the finish line in Chamonix with the jaw dropping presence of Europe’s tallest mountain there to welcome you.

Top Tip: Before any endurance event, make sure your footwear is well broken in but still provides you with the cushioning and support you need. We all have an old pair of trainers too comfy to throw away but when running in the mountains, keep a close eye on your tread, so on race day your shoes aren’t worn too thinly. Definity don’t wear new shoes for the first time on the day of any endurance event either!




  1. Barkley Marathons

You may have seen the documentary on Netflix, and if you haven’t, go check it out! Quite simply the Barkley Marathons is the most insane race you will ever come across…

Each year up to 40 ultra-runners gather in Frozen Head State Park Tennessee, USA to take on not one, not two but five back to back marathons! This is not a road race, it isn’t sign posted and there’s not an aid station in sight!

Each “loop” is different and takes in the most extreme trail running terrain. To track progress, up to eleven books are randomly hidden on the route, with each competitor given a number. Runners have to rip their page number from the books and present the evidence at the finishing line – within a time limit of 60 hours. It’s fair to say there aren’t many who have completed the challenge.

If that all sound too ridiculous, you can always take on the “Fun Run” a mere 60-mile course. Easy peasy.   

Top Tip: When running multiple loops, treat your feet by rotating your shoes between each loop. Pop in a pair of Drysure Active’s into your spare pair of shoes and by the time you return to swap back, your shoes will be nice and dry and ready to go again!


Barkley Marathons


Check out our Drysure Active range here, perfect for running footwear of all types. 

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